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B2B2B marketplace bringing together carriers, consolidators and agents in one place

Join Mobility today and grow your business!

Our platform offers seamless multimodal transportation by bus, train and planetah, making it easier for customers to find and book their desired trips

How it works

Meet Mobility - a one-stop solution for travel agencies

One-stop ticketing shop across all platforms


Why Mobility

Direct ticket sales

Sell directly from carrier systems: No need to lose sales due to carrier quotas

Separate commission payments

Reduce the tax burden, not lose money on payment transactions, receive a net agent commission, simplify mutual settlements with other market participants

Simplified search for multimodal routes

Mobility offers multi-modal transportation options including bus, train and plane. Our platform takes into account the best transfer and connection options between different carriers and removes duplicates to help you choose the best option. You won't have to register on multiple platforms or calculate agent commissions

Ability to sell online

Become an online travel agency without office, staff and utility costs

Earn on subagents

Build a network of subagents and earn commissions on their sales

How to become a partner

three simple steps to connect to the platform
Man signing

1. Agreement and access

Enter into an agency contract with Mobility and get full access to the platform with support for all existing agreements with telecom operators.

2. Interface setup

Mobility will integrate existing carrier conditions and provide access to new routes. Our platform will prioritize and display options based on your preferences, and we can set visibility conditions for your sub-agents as needed.

programming console
financial report

3. Ticket sales management

Get a permanent sales tracking system. This includes periodic sales reconciliation and customer support. And if necessary, organize online sales on your website


Why should I use your platform if I already have a maximum percentage of my carriers?

Our platform not only saves you the maximum percentage with carriers, but also gives you access to information about all available routes. This allows you to sell not only your part of the journey, but the entire route, giving your customers more options and ultimately increasing your sales potential.

We are an offline point of sale, but we would like to become an online travel agency, what can you offer?

Of course, we can offer you two options to become an online travel agency. The first is a lightweight solution called I-frame that you can easily integrate into your site. The second option is a full-fledged online travel agency website that we can create for you. You can choose the option that best suits your needs and goals.

I already have access to several consolidators, why should I connect to your platform?

With our platform, you can access all possible routes through one access point. In addition, we have no technical limits on the number of APIs that the platform can work with, which allows you to quickly connect to new carriers.

How can you support passengers when there are many different carriers operating on the platform?

Our platform supports passengers by providing a direct link to the carrier responsible for each leg of their journey. This ensures personalized and efficient assistance every step of the way, even if multiple carriers are involved.

What can you offer us if we are a tour operator and have a network of travel agencies

We can create a discount system for your network of travel agencies, where agents will receive a percentage of their sales, and you, as the owner of the network, will receive a percentage from your subagents. And you can set up the system to sell carriers that are more profitable for you.

What can you offer if we have already integrated our sales system with the consolidator and do not want to incur additional costs?

If you have already integrated your sales system with the consolidator and do not want to incur additional costs, we can offer you access to Mobility through your existing API solution.

Our clients

Why do companies love Mobility?

All your tickets in one place

I really like the Mobility platform! All transport tickets in one place, I can easily manage my itinerary without having to juggle multiple apps or websites. It doesn't matter what I'm flying on - by plane, train or bus - it's all there in the app. Thanks to him, my travels have become much smoother and stress-free!

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