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B2B2B marketplace bringing together carriers, consolidators and agents in one place

Join Mobility today and grow your business!

Our platform offers seamless multimodal transportation by bus, train and planetah, making it easier for customers to find and book their desired trips

How it works

Meet Mobility - a one-stop solution for the travel market

A single service for the delivery of your tickets to all platforms

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Why Mobility

Simplified conclusion of contracts

Carriers only need to sign one standard agency agreement with Mobility, not multiple agreements with individual agencies

Saving money

Mobility's centralized seat management allows carriers to have all the seats on their buses in one place, eliminating the need for multiple dispatchers and quotas. 

Transparency of cooperation

Using the Mobility platform, carriers can reduce the cost of contract administration, reconciliations, acts and settlements. Instead of managing multiple contracts with different agents, carriers only need to manage one contract with Mobility and use one person for partial administration.

Simplified dispatching

Mobility simplifies agent management for carriers by handling changes to fares, schedules, baggage rules, and ticket refunds through a single point of contact. This reduces the cost of working with agents and agent managers.

Wide distribution network

Access to numerous points of sale, including bus stations, online sales platforms, travel operators, banking and travel applications, ticket metasearch sites, and offline sales offices

How to become a partner

three simple steps to connect to the platform
Man signing

1. API agreement and integration

The transport company signs an agency agreement with Mobility, provides access to its inventory management system, and shares its API description.

2. API configuration and route availability

Mobility customizes the API protocols and brings the API to a uniform format. This allows the routes of the transport company to become available to all agents and subagents of the platform.

programming console
financial report

3. Ticket sales management

The consolidator's agents sell tickets for the transport company, and the consolidator reconciles payments received from subagents and pays the transport company for tickets sold on their behalf


How do you ensure that the technical integration with my system is smooth and easy, and what kind of support do you provide along the way?

We guarantee that the integration process will be as hassle-free as possible. If a shipping company is already using the API, we can easily connect our system to theirs. If a transport company does not use digitized routes, we can help digitize their operations, making the integration process easier and more efficient.

How do you process passenger data?

We do not work with end customers and do not collect sensitive data. Sales agents only see their own sales and do not have access to other customers' data.

How do you process payments to carriers and ensure timely payments?

We take the risks of non-payment agents. The carrier gets paid even if the agent hasn't paid.

Is cooperation possible even if we don't currently have a bus management system?

Definitely! With our centralized Olympus fleet management system (inventory management system), you can digitize all your routes, schedules and pricing.

I am a carrier and I need a website, can you help?

Certainly! We have a tailor-made website for carriers to help you establish yourself online and attract new customers. Our site is user friendly and optimized for search engines, so your customers can easily find and book your services online.

our clients

Why do companies love Mobility?

Stop losing your passengers

Thanks to Mobility, I was able to significantly increase my sales without spending a lot of money on marketing. Their seamless integration with my bus inventory management system made the process simple and efficient. In just a few months, we doubled our sales. Highly recommend!

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